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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Aug 25, 2014

What do people say about Jesus? Lots of things. Who do you say Jesus is? That is the real question. Peter said Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Then he struggled to make those words come to life through his living. How about you? Do our actions match our words about Jesus? Or are the words just hollow...

Aug 18, 2014

Is the Kingdom of God like a castle, surrounded by a moat with big closed gates, keeping the good people in and the bad people out? Or is it a place where the doors are always open and the light is always on? Does the Reign of Christ seek to exclude the unrighteous or include the broken? This sermon looks to Jesus and...

Aug 11, 2014

Good News!  No longer do we have to work at obtaining our own salvation. Jesus is the one who saves not us! Paul reminds us that  the Good News is for all people. But how will they know?

Aug 4, 2014

In a world filled with despair it is hard to find hope. In a world where “religion” often means judgment and exclusion, it is too often hard to find grace. Paul’s letter to the Romans offers good news in the midst of this world’s violence, pain, and suffering; good news for those who feel like there is no room...