Feb 24, 2015
The great flood in the book of Genesis seems to have been an attempt to remake creation and was away the brokenness of a world gone horribly wrong. It didn’t work. What comes of the flood is a still broken world and a marvelous promise from God to never again use force and destruction against the creation. The sign...
Feb 16, 2015
On the mountain where Jesus was transfigured, a voice from God announces to all those present, “This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him.” Listening is hard work. Learn about how you also can have your life transformed by “Listening to...
Feb 9, 2015
We all want to grow into our potential and find purpose and meaning in life. Listen and find out how God who has saved you from the worst of our fears and dread, but didn’t leave it at that. God saved you for a...
Feb 3, 2015
What have you got to do with me, Jesus? – Jesus comes across a man possessed by an unclean spirit. The spirit asks what the Son of God has to do with demons and begs to be left alone. I Perhaps we all have unclean spirits like that. When Jesus pokes the divine nose into our private lives, our choices, our money, the...