Nov 30, 2015
Fear is a way of life for us. Today we are afraid of terrorists and refugees, warfare in faraway places and violence on our own streets. On any given day, we can be overcome by the fear of not having enough and having too much. We fear aging and fear the only alternative – death. Politicians and advertisers play on...
Nov 23, 2015
We live in a world where the primary tool of power is violence. Jesus has a different way. Listen and hear Jesus' response to violence in the world.
Nov 16, 2015
The twin towers fall, the Eiffel tower goes dark, hundreds are killed each week, and the question comes, "Is this the end?" Jesus has an answer to our fascination and obsession with the end of things and the collapse of the lives we build. The answer is found in his very life, death and resurrection. In God, ending are...
Nov 9, 2015
Who do you notice on any given day? At the store, at the drive-through window of a fast food restaurant? Sometimes life gets too busy as we move from one obligation to another that we miss noticing people and life that goes on around us. Hear what Jesus notices and how he responds. What does noticing have to do with...
Nov 2, 2015
Sometimes we say that death is "God's plan" or "God needed another angel." These unhelpful notions perhaps reflect our desire to speak some word, any word, in the face of death. Perhaps we say anything because we think that death has the final word, and we rebel against being silenced. What the Bible tells us about God...