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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Feb 27, 2017

From cluttered desktops, to constantly changing calendars; from tragedies of violence and disease to dysfunctional government, life is an unholy mess. Wouldn’t it be great if God would show up with a little dazzling light from heaven and a booming voice of encouragement once in a while to assure us the unholy mess was...

Feb 20, 2017

Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount about loving all people; neighbors and enemies. This seems like an impossibility since we place limits on the love we offer to others. Listen and hear why Jesus says what he does, and how God’s love works in our lives and the world. Imagine the possibility of what the reign...

Feb 13, 2017

The commands of God are often seen as prescriptive divine demands that lay out a “minimum moral requirement” for steering clear of God’s wrath. The “little sins” don’t matter as long as we avoid the “big sins.” Jesus teaches us that the commands of God are mere beginnings that point to a much deeper, and...

Feb 6, 2017

Jesus doesn't invite us to be disciples, he calls us into discipleship. Stay on point and remember your purpose, to be salt and light to the world.