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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Mar 27, 2017

We live in a world where we know things about each other, but we don't know others deeply. We see surface details like position, looks, titles, but do not see the human before us at least not as God sees. God sees us in our failures, with our faults; God sees us beyond the opinions of the world. When God sees us, and...

Mar 20, 2017

Today we hear the story of the woman at the well and the one who stayed with her awhile. Hear about the life-changing water that Jesus gives, the transformation that occurred in this unnamed woman’s life, and the change that is offered to us too.

Mar 13, 2017

A comfortable and well laid out life is like a straight, wide highway: not many surprises and an assured destination with each of us in control at the wheel. God has a habit of setting interchanges, junctions or crossroads before us however, that beckon us to places we’ve never been by roads untraveled. “The...

Mar 6, 2017

A fruit tree, a talking snake, and forty days in the wilderness: essential source of truth about our humanity and struggles. When we aren’t sure who we are or for what purpose we live, we are restless. The brokenness of our world and daily lives results from listening to the tempting, deceptive voices that convince us...

Mar 6, 2017

The journey begins with “Create in me a clean heart, O God” and with Jesus as our traveling companion, all of our journeys end in the heart of God.