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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Apr 24, 2017

The risen Lord Jesus comes and meets Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and specifically to “the missing” Thomas, so that they can encounter him. Jesus comes to us today, in peace, and with the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we too may encounter, embrace, and be transformed by the Good News of his resurrected life.

Apr 18, 2017

The men who were sent to guard the tomb of Jesus had a harder job than they imagined. They had little idea that the tomb was not up to the task of containing Immanuel (God with us); that God had in mind to reboot all creation on that morning starting with raising Jesus; that Love could not be so easily be...

Apr 10, 2017

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to Matthew

Apr 3, 2017

The Gospel of John invites us to come and see who Jesus is; the Son of God.  Come and see Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead and reveal the glory of God.