Jun 27, 2017
The gospel tells us that there is not one thing any of us can have, possess, achieve or do to be accepted by God. Our acceptance is given in grace, a free gift revealed in Jesus Christ. It begs the question, “So, should we just keep sinning, doing whatever we please since God’s grace has us covered?” Paul’s...
Jun 19, 2017
In order to function in the world, we need to learn how to obtain access to what we need and desire. Usernames and passwords give us access to our accounts, students work hard to gain access to the college of their dreams, and we lock our houses so only those who we want to have access have keys. Today we begin a...
Jun 12, 2017
As we broaden our imagination of the Trinity, we experience a God in motion; active, engaging, and inviting. Like those ubiquitous fidget spinners, we see the Godhead surrounding us in presence, encircling humanity as in a dance, a Divine dance. The Good News is our invitation into the community of God, held together...
Jun 5, 2017
The gift of the Spirit on Pentecost allowed disciples to speak, and hearers to "hear" in languages that represented all the nations. But some in the crowd heard just “crazy” (drunken) talk. The good news of peace, grace and forgiveness often sounds like “crazy talk,” especially when it speaks of accepting...