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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Sep 25, 2017

We live in a world where fairness and justice are defined when we get what we deserve. Work hard? You’ll be rewarded. Mess up? You’ll get what you deserve. Jesus tells a parable that seems to turn this wisdom of the world on its head. The kingdom of heaven, it turns out, may not give us what we deserve. Is that good...

Sep 18, 2017

Forgiveness is an essential part of living in community. It is something that is easy to avoid, and doing so ultimately harms the community and ourselves. Yet forgiveness brings so many blessings. Listen to what Jesus teaches us about forgiveness and the joy that God’s outlandish love brings to our lives.

Sep 11, 2017

With hurricane, flood, fire and wind battering our land – and our senses through the media – the question always comes, “Is God trying to tell us something?” The truth is, God is always speaking, but we are a people with hard hearing. The prophet Ezekiel was called to speak to God’s people whether they...

Sep 5, 2017

Each of us have received a call to follow Jesus. We receive it through the waters of baptism. Listen to the stories of Moses and Peter and how God used them to help bring in the gentle reign of God’s kingdom. I will share my call story in the hopes that it leads you to be open to the many ways that God is calling you...