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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Oct 30, 2017

On this Reformation weekend we hear words of freedom in our Gospel reading. Jesus tells his listeners that “The truth will set you free.” The Jews who heard this already thought they were free, wondering, "who is this guy that he doesn’t know we are free?" At this time the Jews were living under the oppressive...

Oct 23, 2017

“Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God,” Jesus says. (Matthew 22:21) A coin became a prop in this story and it bore the image of Caesar. So, in a way, it belonged to Caesar. The question then becomes, what bears the image of God?  Well, according to Genesis 1:26, we do! Imagine what...

Oct 16, 2017

Today we hear a parable that features a wedding banquet and the long guest list. Hear about the gracious invitation you are given to the banquet and who else will receive the invitation. Will you accept the invitation?

Oct 9, 2017

God grants blessings in abundance. God does so with a purpose in mind: that we might bless others with those blessings. Parables from both Isaiah and Jesus tell of a landowner (God) who supplies all that is needed to bring a fruitful, abundant harvest. What the landowner receives is a bitter harvest of bloodshed,...

Oct 2, 2017

Paul explains to the Philippians that Christian discipleship looks like being on team Jesus, where we are coached by Jesus to care for our neighbor.