Oct 29, 2018
We live in an age where one of the identities we bear is “consumer.” We are told that to be productive members of the economy and nation we should pursue things that allows us to get what we want. That is our definition of freedom. Unfortunately, we may be consuming ourselves to death and not free at all....
Oct 22, 2018
Our society places a high value on competition and recognition. We want to root for the team that wins. We aim for the top so we achieve recognition for work well done. But Jesus tells us of another way; that of servanthood. Hear about how James and John wrestle with the values of this world and God’s kingdom....
Oct 15, 2018
Today’s passage about Jesus telling us that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God can be a bit uncomfortable for some (most) of us to hear. Instead of making us uncomfortable, we need to hear the words that Jesus loves us and that with God, all...
Oct 8, 2018
And God said, “It is not good that the human is alone.” God, the ultimate community of love, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, provides for companionship and community for our good. Then why are we so bad at living together in peace and love? The sexual harassment of women by men; the 50% divorce rate; the fragmentation of...
Oct 1, 2018
Every journey has a destination. The journey of faith begins in baptism and heads toward the kingdom of God. The trouble is, there are lots of things that can derail the journey. Jesus teaches us that nothing – not even your hand, foot or eye – is worth keeping if they cause detours from life in the reign of God. It...