Mar 25, 2019
Life is short and we know it. When you hear of disasters, do you worry that it could have been you? Or do you try to distance yourself from the possibility of death with false reassurances; “That can’t happen to me," “I’m safe,” “I’m different.” Jesus addresses this concern with the crowds and shows them...
Mar 18, 2019
Paul tells the Philippians that “our citizenship is in heaven.” He knows that they are living in the present, in this world where the promises of God seem distant. But he points them to the hope of the future. The hope that we can all have because our citizenship is in heaven. Abram does the same, where he knows God...
Mar 11, 2019
We all have our own stories that tell us a little about who we are as human beings. Our individual stories, however, are connected to bigger stories that give meaning and impart identity. As people of Christ, our lives are part of the story of God’s saving work in all creation. When trials come we can live by the...
Mar 8, 2019
To have a real relationship with God (or anyone, for that matter) we must be honest. Sadly, saying “Honest to God,” is often a sign we’re lying. Being honest to God begins with being honest with ourselves. On Ash Wednesday the mark of the cross in ashes on our brow tells us the truth: we are finite, and death...
Mar 4, 2019
Today is Transfiguration. In Luke’s Gospel, the Transfiguration event leaves behind Jesus’ ministry in Galilee and Jesus will now begin his journey to Jerusalem. Through the event of the Transfiguration, the glory of God is made known in Jesus with an absolute shimmering radiance of Jesus’ face and body. The...