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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Jun 29, 2020

Devotion is a necessary and unnoted part of life. We all need something to drive or guide us to live and love. St. Paul wants us to think about the object of our devotion. Does it lead to life or death? Paul sees sin as not a bunch of mistakes, but as a life devoted to the things of death. That will cause us to do mean...

Jun 22, 2020

Paul’s Letter to the Romans is filled with the Good News of God’s grace, which is Good News indeed. Now that we have received God’s grace, does sin even matter anymore. Can I just sin as much as I want and God will take care of it? Paul gives an emphatic “No.” Instead, God has given us new life in Christ. What...

Jun 15, 2020

It is not that we must be good enough or wise enough or obedient enough to gain God, it is that God has already gained us. That is good news. That is what grace looks like. And that is why the only adequate response for us who have been justified by faith is to work each and every day to extend that same radical grace...

Jun 8, 2020

What is the Holy Trinity, the God of Relationship and Love, doing in the midst of our current national turmoil? Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton points to the fullness of God as creator, incarnate, and present to give us both hope and call to be about the work of the Trinity.

Jun 1, 2020

Pentecost is a celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the power of the Spirit, God breaks through all the barriers that keep people apart; crosses all the obstructions that keep God at bay and speaks words of peace, grace, transformation. Do you hear what the Spirit is saying right now?