Mar 28, 2022
Today's family story is preceded by two other stories of lost and found. The first story is about 100 sheep where one is lost. The next story is about a woman who has 10 coins and loses one. Then we hear about a father who has two sons. This is a popular story from the Gospel of Luke, and so may be well known to you....
Mar 21, 2022
We live in a world where everything has a price. Everything is a commodity to be marketed and sold. Our lives are accounted for in ways that keep track of debits and credits, what we pay and what we owe. This is so deeply woven into our ways of thinking that we treat God in the same way. Divine favor and blessing are to...
Mar 14, 2022
As he sat in a Roman prison awaiting his fate, Paul writes a letter to his brothers and sisters in Philippi that is full of hope and joy. How is this possible when you are locked in chains and facing death? It is a matter of citizenship. Paul is indeed a Roman citizen, which is why he has appealed to the emperor to...
Mar 7, 2022
The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness is always a familiar but hard-to-understand story. It seems like an other-worldly struggle between “the devil” (all pointy tailed and horned) and the superhero of heaven, Jesus. That, however, makes the story of little use to us in our daily life. We don’t generally...
Mar 3, 2022
Today the sign of the cross is made on your forehead. The ashes tell us who we are. "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Dealing with the Covid-19 virus the last few years has reminded us that death is a part of life, and the transient nature of life is ever before us. The ashes are a sign of our...