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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Jul 25, 2022

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is well known but little understood. Where Abraham grants lavish welcome to strangers and so, loves the neighbor, the messengers are threatened by the people of the city. The violence and cruelty to others is the evil (not homosexuality). We can ask, “How could God destroy whole...

Jul 17, 2022

Doing things is how many of us define ourselves. What we do determines who we are. The trouble is that when the doing gets interrupted or doesn’t go as planned, we become angry or hurt. The truth is that who we are determines what we do. Martha was “busy with many things,” like all of us. Being busy defined her...

Jul 11, 2022

The parable Jesus tells about loving our neighbor is often called, “The Good Samaritan.” Yet, the main character seems to really be the man broken, beaten, and left for dead in the ditch. Two people pass him by offering no help. Maybe too busy. Then a despised person comes and helps. For the man in the ditch,...

Jul 5, 2022

The good news is that we are born of the Spirit and children of God. By God’s grace alone we are beloved and nothing can change that. The bad news is that we are born of the Spirit and children of God and so sent into the world as lambs among wolves to share God’s love with the world. That can be frightening. Yet,...


Jul 5, 2022

The good news is that we are born of the Spirit and children of God. By God’s grace alone we are beloved and nothing can change that. The bad news is that we are born of the Spirit and children of God and so sent into the world as lambs among wolves to share God’s love with the world. That can be frightening. Yet,...