Sep 26, 2022
Jesus tells a parable about a very rich man who wears nice clothes and eats well (like most of us). Outside his door sits a painfully poor beggar. Apparently, as the man comes and goes, he never sees or hears the beggar. How is this possible? To be so callous as not to even notice seems unimaginable. But it’s...
Sep 20, 2022
Jesus tells a parable of a man who is so morally bankrupt that he not only cheats his employer but then cheats him again to gain favor in the world. His employer admires him for his craftiness and pique. Then Jesus seems to wonder why it is we can be so imaginative at doing bad to further ourselves and not...
Sep 20, 2022
Jesus tells a parable of a man who is so morally bankrupt that he not only cheats his employer but then cheats him again to gain favor in the world. His employer admires him for his craftiness and pique. Then Jesus seems to wonder why it is we can be so imaginative at doing bad to further ourselves and not...
Sep 12, 2022
Jesus came to find the lost. That is good news… if I ever get lost. Admitting that we need to be found, encountered, and saved by Christ is hard because we want to be in charge and in control. We hate to admit our failings. Our worship is a celebration of the lost being found and the divine celebration that results…...
Sep 6, 2022
The journey of faith is – or should be – filled with moments of decision. When the way of Jesus contradicts what we think, what was taught, and what we value and love, we are faced with a choice to follow or not. These are moments where the cross comes into view, and we must either pick it up or lay it aside. These...