Apr 22, 2024
In Jesus’ day, there would be times when multiple shepherds
would bring their flocks together. Whether by accident or on
purpose, they would gather them in a paddock, an area that was
walled off to keep the predators out of the flock. The sheep would
mingle together and do all the things sheep do. Now that presents a
problem for the shepherd. How do you tell your sheep apart from the
other shepherd’s sheep?
When the shepherds would leave the paddock, they would call out to
their flock. The sheep would hear their shepherd's voice and would
follow. The shepherd's voice is key. The sheep know which shepherd
is theirs and they follow. The sheep know… But sheep are still
sheep. Sheep wander off… Sheep fall into ravines… The
Shepherd still needs to go and find them when that happens.
The shepherd’s voice is key. Jesus tells us today, “I know my own
and my own know me. They know my voice.”
Acts 4:5-12 | 1 John 3:16-24 | John 10:11-18