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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Feb 27, 2012

This sermon is given by Vicar Kristine Dohrmann at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. HTLC is a congregation of the ELCA and all are welcome. We are located at 517 SW Des Moines Street, Ankeny Iowa 50023. Contact us at 515-964-4348 and/or visit our website:

Feb 20, 2012

This is a sermon from Pastor Phil Blom at HTLC. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 517 S.W. Des Moines Street, Ankeny IA, 50023. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). * 515-964-4348 *

Feb 13, 2012

This sermon is from our Lead Pastor Timothy V. Olson from the sermon series "Reign Water." Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 517 SW Des Moines Street, Ankeny IA, 50023. Thank you for listening!

Feb 6, 2012

This is a sermon from Pastor Timothy V. Olson from the sermon series "Reign Water." Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 517 SW Des Moines Street, Ankeny Iowa. Phone: 515-964-4348  Web:

Feb 5, 2012

This is a sermon from Vicar Kristine Dorhmann from the sermon series, "Reign Water." Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is located on 517 SW Des Moines Street in Ankeny, Iowa. Lead Pastor: Timothy V. Olson.