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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Nov 28, 2016

The church season of Advent begins this week. It is a time of preparing for the coming of ChristOur Gospel text tells us of the second coming of Christ. We don’t know when this will be, but we know it will be sudden and unexpected. So what do we do in the meantime? How is God at work, and what are we to be about in...

Nov 21, 2016

The celebration of “Christ the King” Sunday may seem odd, especially in a culture where “kings” are not talked about in any serious manner. That said, we do suffer under the poor leadership of many in this world who, as Jeremiah said, “scatter the sheep” and divide us from one another. We are not a people...

Nov 21, 2016

Pilate’s sign, "This is the King of the Jews," initially meant to intimidate, becomes a sign of love, compassion and grace as King Jesus forgives and welcomes us into his kingdom; into paradise.

Nov 14, 2016

One constant in life is change. After a very long campaign season we now have a president elect who has promised change. We have heard and seen varying responses to this change after a tight race. How are Christians to respond to the political climate? How do we testify to our trust in Jesus?

Nov 7, 2016

What do Election Day and the Festival of All Saints have to do with one another? Well, maybe more than you think. Voting is a responsibility people of faith bear as a result of the vocation of “citizen.” In addition, our faith calls us to vote on behalf of those in need instead of our self-interest. Faith lets us be...