Jun 30, 2014
God asked Abraham to offer up his long awaited son, Isaac, as sacrifice. What kind of God asks that? What kind of father thinks about doing it? Or, are these the wrong questions?
Jun 23, 2014
Second Weekend of Pentecost: 6-22-14
God Sees and God Hears. Life is complicated, and there are times that we wonder, “Where are you God?.” Hear about the life of Hagar, and Abraham who was not yet a stellar model of the faith. You will meet a family of brokenness and you will find out where God is!
Jun 17, 2014
Our Triune God is a God of movement. As a congregation we have a choice, are we a church that follows the movement of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by being commissioned by Jesus to make disciples of all nations? Perhaps we are more like a monument; immovable, lacking relevance to the culture of the day and...
Jun 9, 2014
“Afraid to Be the Church?” – A sermon on the Day of Pentecost based on John 20:19-23. A vision of mission for our congregation that discerns a path from fear to God’s future. The disciples are locked away in fear, and Jesus sends them out – “As the Father has sent me, so now I...
Jun 2, 2014
This is a sermon given by Pastor Tim Olson, Lead Pastor for Mission and Vision at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We invite you to worship at one of our three summer worship times of Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30 am. Thanks for listening.