Jan 29, 2018
When we hear stories about Jesus casting out demons, I’m not sure we know quite what to do with them. Is this possession as illustrated by Hollywood, complete with spinning heads, shaking beds, and evil voices? Or is it just an ancient way of pointing out what they did not understand – mental illness, convulsions or...
Jan 22, 2018
There are times in our lives when we are leaders and times when we are followers. Today we hear Jesus’ call to two sets of brothers to follow so that Jesus can make them fish for people. That same call comes to us today and each day from Jesus; "Follow me." Hear more about what it means to follow Jesus.
Jan 15, 2018
The very first words Jesus speaks in the Gospel according to John is a question: “What are you looking for?” Most of us would be able to come up with some kind of spiritual shopping list for Jesus: Prosperity, health, forgiveness, assurance of life after death. The question is, do we really know what we want, what...
Jan 8, 2018
We all tend to categorize and organize our lives so that they are easier to understand, easier to control. We put our stuff in boxes and totes. We put other people in boxes and categories based on stereotypes and assumptions. We even try to do it with God. We keep God in a box of our own making; we like God in heaven...
Jan 2, 2018
When the elder Simeon, full of the Holy Spirit, saw Joseph and Mary in the Temple, he burst into song. As he looked into the eyes of that baby, just 40 days old, he sang, “My eyes have seen your salvation.” It was the fulfillment of a promise given through the Spirit, that Simeon would not die until he saw the...