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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Feb 26, 2018

When most of us think about spiritual things, we think of self-improvement, or happiness, or success. Faith should lead to joy and glory. Religion should help us avoid the “bad things” in life. The scriptural witness however, doesn’t support these notions. Instead, Jesus invites Peter to follow to the cross....

Feb 19, 2018

This week we have followed the Olympic games, met some of the contenders and learned of the challenges they faced, and the courage it took to get to the Olympics. In our Gospel text we hear Mark’s version of Jesus’ baptism, temptation and proclamation of the reign of God. Hear about the challenges Jesus faced and...

Feb 15, 2018

Paul urges us, “Be reconciled to God!” (2 Cor. 5:20) This is not a requirement of faith or a means of earning God’s love. It is a call to be what we already are, to act out of our status as God’s “Ministers of Reconciliation” which has been granted through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Answering this call...

Feb 12, 2018

Ever want to have God appear to you in your own, personal, burning bush? Usually, when we talk about “religious experience,” we think about flash shows of divine presence like fiery chariots from heaven, ala Elijah’s assent to heaven (2 Kings 2). We at least think of glorious songs and inspirational worship. At...

Feb 5, 2018

I think it’s safe to say in the midst of flu season we could use a healing.  Why don’t we see healings occurring like when Jesus walked the earth? Our gospel reading tells us more about what healing looks like and who brings healing.