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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Dec 28, 2022

John's Gospel account tells of creation. It tells of a God who created and who comes to us in the messiness of this world. Who isn't afraid of the messiness, and in that mess called life, claims us as children.

Dec 28, 2022

The story of the nativity in Luke’s Gospel is a story of somebodies and nobodies. Augustus and the governor of Syria are somebodies. Joseph, Mary, Jesus, and the shepherds are nobodies. We should note where God shows up in the world. We should note the people to who God is revealed. Love is revealed in places where...

Dec 19, 2022

In today's gospel reading we hear about Joseph's reaction to hearing the news his future wife is now pregnant. His world was turned upside down.

It's at times like this God can feel far away. Matthew tells us that God is doing a new thing. That God will send a Savior. That this child that Mary is carrying will save us all.

Dec 5, 2022

The prophet Isaiah announces that a descendant of David will inaugurate a day when the “wolf will lie down with the lamb.” This incredible vision of peace that extends to the depths of creation is hard to fathom. How can we hope for such a thing to happen? According to Paul, Jesus Christ is that descendant, that...

Nov 28, 2022

Holiday preparations are afoot, and they bring us some cheer. Advent, however, is about more than cheer, it is about hope. We hope for a world at peace. We hope that the violence and shootings will end. We hope the hungry will be fed. All these things can seem like wishful thinking, naïve longing for something that...