Aug 27, 2018
Life is filled with controversy. In today’s gospel Jesus is the center of the divide. Some people find what Jesus has to say as just too hard to swallow. Are we any different? What makes those few who continue to follow Jesus stay with him? Where do we turn when we are looking for life?
Aug 20, 2018
Having bread needs two rhythms: the long rhythm of growing wheat, and the short rhythm of making bread. Jesus calls himself the bread of life because he wants a relationship with us that is new and fresh everyday, just like the best bread we savor.
Aug 13, 2018
What does freedom look like in your life? Can someone be free while in prison? Listen to hear where freedom comes from and how Jesus gives us power to support those in prison and, as a result, change lives.
Aug 6, 2018
Do you find yourself filling your life with too many things that are not life giving? In today’s gospel, the crowds want Jesus to feed them. It has been a day since Jesus did the miracle of the feeding of the 5000, and now the people are hungry again. Jesus announces to the crowds that he is the bread that will...