Aug 26, 2019
When God is worshipped and served, Love rules. What gets in the way of Love’s rule is that we too often love rules. It is in the name of rule-keeping that we often fail to make a place at the table for those who don’t measure up, fit in, or mirror our own existence. Both the prophet Isaiah and Jesus have words...
Aug 19, 2019
What does it cost us to come to church each week? Perhaps it costs a Sunday to sleep in, perhaps it means sacrificing the Sunday morning TV shows which now need to be DVR’ed or streamed. Perhaps it means missing a baseball game or a football game. But does it cost any more than that? Listen and hear what following...
Aug 12, 2019
Sometimes we think faith is believing the unbelievable. Sometimes we think that faith is about what happens to me (and my adversaries) after death. In the book of Hebrews, it is none of this. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen..” (Hebrews 11:1) We’re not good at hope –...
Aug 5, 2019
Self-absorption, greed, and the fear that we are missing out manifests as sickness of soul and society. Those who have, constantly seek more because enough never comes. Those who don’t have, nurture resentment and anger until hate erupts in violence. Bigger barns, storage facilities and ever more garages full...