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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Oct 30, 2013

This is a sermon by Pastor Tim Olson teaching that our congregational value of radical hospitality stems from knowing that our hearts are right with God so we can share God's love with others.

Pastor Tim Olson is the Lead Pastor for Mission and Vision at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Holy Trinity is a congregation of...

Oct 21, 2013

This is a sermon given by Pastor Pam Schroeder from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church explores how we can be fearless witnesses of Christ's love. We invite you to worship at one of our four worship times: Saturdays at 5:30p, and Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00a. Thanks for listening!

Oct 14, 2013

This is a sermon given by Pastor Tim Olson from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We invite you to worship at one of our four weekend worship times: Saturdays at 5:30p, and Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00a. Thanks for listening!

Oct 9, 2013

This is a sermon given by Pastor Pam Shroeder from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We thank you for listening and encourage you to worship at one of our four worship times: Saturdays at 5:30p, Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00a.