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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Jul 31, 2017

Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that together we may do the work of Christ.

Jul 24, 2017

The good news of Jesus Christ is a life changing word that is addressed to all people. The word that saves us is not in the past, but is still spoken today, to us. In this sermon on Romans 10, Bishop Michael Burk shares a vision that pushes the church beyond wishing for “more” to proclaiming what we have that this...

Jul 17, 2017

We live in a world that has reduced faith to things concerned with personal spirituality that only deals with questions of “heaven.” Further, we rob the gospel of its power as we reduce faith to a series of “If/Then” equations: IF I follow the rules, THEN God will love me; IF I am a good person, THEN I will go...

Jul 10, 2017

Paul proclaims that followers of Jesus are Spirit filled. Sin and death no longer bind us, instead we are people who are transformed through Jesus. Listen to hear what a life of no condemnation looks like, and who gives it to us. 

Jul 3, 2017

In the wake of Paul’s proclamation of God’s gracious acceptance, those familiar with God’s Word can ask, “What’s the law go to do with it, then?” In Romans 7, Paul reveals that while the law is God’s good gift to us, because of our rebellious nature and self-centeredness, we turn it into a curse. “I do...