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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

May 23, 2020

The Ascension of Jesus is an important part of Christian faith. But what is the Ascension? Where did Jesus go? More important, what does it have to do with how we live and engage our faith today? Does it mean that we’re on our own? That Christ has left the building? That’s not what his disciples concluded. Nor...

May 18, 2020

To love Jesus is to love and serve our neighbors, and it is through love that the presence of the Holy Spirit dwells within us, guiding us, inspiring us, and reminding us that even in the midst of uncertainty, we are never alone. Through love, through the presence of God within us, the Spirit of truth gives us...

May 11, 2020

Don't let your hearts be troubled. Really Jesus? That's how you're going to start this conversation. It seems like a pretty tall order, what with being in the middle of a pandemic. After all, lives are being threatened, our economy is collapsing, every day the death toll rises, and Jesus starts our Gospel reading...

May 4, 2020

Our guest preacher, Bishop Michael Burk of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, reflects on Jesus, who says he is our gate, our shepherd, our Lord. With this Jesus there is always much more life… especially when things don’t seems to be the way they should be.