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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Dec 28, 2021

Jesus is twelve years old in our Gospel reading today.  Having traveled to Jerusalem for the Festival of Passover, the family is on their way back home with a caravan of friends and family. After a day's journey, Jesus is nowhere to be found. Mary and Joseph return to Jerusalem to look for him. We, also, can lose Jesus....

Dec 25, 2021

As we observe the Nativity of Our Lord this year, there are lots of shadows and darkness around. The darkness of disease is still real, disrupting our gatherings and spreading through a new variant. The darkness of division seems to work its way ever deeper in families, communities, nations as we are all at each...

Dec 20, 2021

The faithful people of Micah's day were longing for a shepherd king to be their hope, as they lived in constant fear of violence from the Assyrians.  Hopes and fears meld before Mary comes to really understand that she is participating in God's actions to save the world.  This year, like all years, has seen its share of...

Dec 13, 2021

When John the Baptist calls the gathering crowd a “brood of vipers,” he is not offering an insult. He sees in the mob a desire to run from the fire of judgment, just like snakes do. John warns that escape is impossible and that the whole of creation is subject to the correction of God. In a world where so much is so...