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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Aug 31, 2015

The book of James counsels that we should listen more and talk less; that we should watch our mouths (bridle our tongues).  When we speak in anger and act in unloving ways we show that our faith is weak, even false. Passing on the faith to our children is not about just going to church, but about showing our love...

Aug 24, 2015

The temple was the fulfillment of David's dream. He wanted a place for God, but it was not to be part of King David's legacy. His son, Solomon, built the temple and placed the Ark of the Covenant in its new home during a worship celebration. Solomon prayed to God at the dedication of the temple that all foreigners who...

Aug 18, 2015

King Solomon is known for his wisdom.  Find out how he received it and used it.  Wisdom can be used or taken for granted.  Hear what God has to say about wisdom and how we know it.



Aug 10, 2015

Some people today say that God is all about success and prosperity.  If that is true, then God has little to do with most of us, especially when we are broken, failing, in the dark. So, where does God find us? The continuing story of David reveals a God who keeps promises even amidst a family that falls apart...

Aug 3, 2015

David went from heroic boy and courageous king to rapist and murderer. He was God’s chosen. Was God mistaken? Though we all assume we are “good” people, David’s story shows that we are not. What does God do with people whose hearts become stained and broken?