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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Jul 30, 2018

Today we hear the story of the “Feeding of the 5000” from the Gospel of John. This miracle story is a time of learning for the disciples to learn that with Jesus, they can expect the unexpected. The same goes for us. Jesus uses unexpected situations, unexpected times and unexpected people to share God’s love....

Jul 23, 2018

What is it that you need? I mean really need; not what you want, but what you need. People have always had needs. At the time of Jeremiah it was the King, also known as a shepherd, who was to care for the needs of the people. A good shepherd would enforce the covenant of God, caring for the widow, orphan and alien. But...

Jul 16, 2018

It's about God's grace permeating our time and place. It's about being open to looking at the world around you and responding, "There's grace for that."





Jul 9, 2018

When trials and suffering come our way we often pray that God will fix things. We may wonder why God doesn’t answer. Paul, in II Corinthians, shares that he prayed to God three times to have the “thorn in his flesh” removed that tempted him. The answer God gave was “No.” God said to Paul, “My grace is...

Jul 2, 2018

Today we hear the story of Jairus--a wealthy religious leader, an insider in society--whose twelve year old daughter is dying.  Interwoven in this story is that of an unnamed woman who has been hemorrhaging for twelve years. She is unnamed, poor, unclean and an outsider in society. Both people are devastated and have...