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Holy Trinity Ankeny

Listen to sermons from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Sep 26, 2016

This week’s sermon is about how the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) means that we always feel like we never have enough. FOMO can be cured with gratitude and practicing gratitude in many ways.

Sep 19, 2016

What would the world be like without stories?  Stories help us escape the routine of life and wander instead into the world of science fiction or action and adventure.  There are stories of Uncle Harry’s escapades and family vacations.  Stories connect us to others and bind families together.  Today you are invited to...

Sep 12, 2016

Have you ever felt lost?  Have you ever experienced a loss in your life?  It feels as if there is a hole inside you, as if part of you is lost.  Today Jesus tells a parable about lost things and the joy that comes in finding what was lost.  As Jesus tells the story, we see the character of God; a...

Sep 6, 2016

Clay can’t make itself into pot. Clay needs to be shaped by a competent potter; one who isn’t afraid to start over when the vessel gets wobbly on the wheel. Same is true of you and me. Our lives are shaped by many forces, but only the God who made us knows our true shape and how to form us to be the people we are...